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Frequently Asked Questions

Heart in callout box


How does The Grief Recovery Method® help achieve Recovery?

The GRM® is a step-by-step process for unlocking and respecting the emotional experience of our grief –

both the immediate or presenting grief issues – and those that may have been holding us captive for years.

Through a defined step-by-step process, The GRM® first explores the “old, ineffective tools” we’ve been using,

with the belief that it’s hard to learn new tools if we don’t understand why the old ones might not have been

effective. Then, the process shifts to the introduction of new tools which can be used across a wide gamut

of losses- from persons, to pets, to hopes and dreams and expectations, to those intangible things like trust,

safety or faith.

At every step the griever is respected, listened to and heard without judgement or analysis, and is supported

in identifying and giving voice to the array of emotions that accompany the full extent of the loss.

Once The GRM® process is completed for one loss, it can be used over and over again, to address other past losses, and to help more quickly address new losses.

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How is the GRM® different from other grief support programs?

Grief Recovery Handbook photo

The GRM® is an action-based program that involves reading and writing assignments as outlined in “The Grief Recovery Handbook, the Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce and Other Losses.”

The GRM® has been shared for over 40 years, on six of seven continents, with the book having been translated into over 20 languages over the years.

The GRM® is a time-limited program – with a set number of sessions, depending on whether one is working the program alone or in a group.

Heart in callout box

Can anyone teach The Grief Recovery Method®?


No. The GRM® is facilitated by a Grief Recovery Specialist, certified by the Grief Recovery Institute.

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Is The Grief Recovery Method® effective?


The GRM® is an evidence-based program, having documented statistically significant improvements in

grievers' knowledge, attitudes and behaviors related to grief.  


Access to the 1st published article, Measurement Development and Validation for Construct Validity of the Treatment: The Grief Recovery Method® Instrument (GRM-I), can be obtained through the American Journal

of Health Education by clicking the following link:


Access to the 2nd published article, Construct Validity of the Theory of Grief Recovery (TOGR): A New Paradigm Toward Our Understanding of Grief and Loss, can be obtained through the American Journal of Health Education by clicking the following link:


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